Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Establish and Reestablish Your Credit - 5 Questions and Answers You Should Know

Are you often confused when it comes to creating and rebuilding your credit file?  Listed below are five questions and answers that will help you with your journey to a better file.
Establish and Reestablish Your Credit 
How many cards do I need?
Carry one to two bankcards, one retail card and one gasoline card. Creditors want to see how you will manage more than one card as far as payment history goes. If you can’t pay the minimum monthly payment every month, don’t use most of the cards.
What if I had a bankruptcy?
You can start rebuilding 18 to 20 months.
Establish and Reestablish Your Credit
I’m a foreigner and now I live in the USA with no credit?
Continue using your International card, and then get a letter from the bank in your country displaying your good payment history. Take that letter to your local bank loan officer and apply for a loan using the letter as a reference.
Establish and Reestablish Your Credit
What is piggybacking?
Have a friend or family member with a good payment history call up their card company and have them add you to their account as an authorized user. The card company will issue a card in your name, and once the card arrives at your friend's house. He or she will cut the card up. Wait a month later and check your report to see if your friends entire credit history for that card is on your credit report. This is a fast way to build credit within 30 days. Now, the downfall to this method is that if your friend makes a late payment or refuses to pay, your report will show the same negative activity, therefore damaging your good credit rating. Do consider the potential consequences carefully before moving in this direction. In addition, FICO 08 model has eliminated this method for calculating your score, so the technique may or may not work, but it is still worth a try.  
How can I add new accounts to my bureau reports?
The first step you can take in strengthening your financial situation is to write to the lenders and request that they add your good accounts if they do not appear on your report. Since the main purpose behind adding accounts to your report is to strengthen your report, you only want to add accounts that are deemed to have a perfect paying history.
Normally, utility companies and cell phone companies do not report your payment history to the  bureaus, but if you write them a letter requesting that they add your good payment history to your report, they might grant your request. If, for some reason, they do not add your account, get copies of your payment history and submit copies to the bureaus yourself. Credit bureaus don’t have to add this information, but they will place it on your report for a fee.
Concluding, when establishing, or reestablishing your credit file, keep your cards to a minimum. If you just filed bankruptcy, begin rebuilding and pay your bills on time. If you are from another country, keep trying various banks until you get approved. When using the piggyback method, make sure your friend has a good payment history. If you are trying to add a positive account to your report, send proof of your payment history.

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