Wednesday, April 20, 2011

When to File for Bankruptcy - 5 Sure Fire Options You Must Explore Before Filing for Bankruptcy

As a credit consultant, my clients always ask me when to file for bankruptcy. As a result, I advise them to file only when you have exhausted all of your available avenues such as talking with your credit card company, car, and mortgage lenders and your student loan representative about the various options you have to explore. You should also look into Consumer credit counseling organizations, debt consolidation, balance transfers and taping your savings and investments. If none of these options worked, and your debt exceeds your annual salary, then it's time to talk with a bankruptcy lawyer. Moreover, you must look at your advantages and disadvantages to filing.
When to file for bankruptcy option 1 - Credit cards
Talk with your lender and see if any of the following options are available.
  • Having your interest and payments reduced
  • Changing your payment dates.
  • Qualifying for a hardship program
  • Suspend payments until you get caught up
  • Settling your debts for 20% on the dollar
When to file for bankruptcy option 2 - Car
Before you get to behind on your car payment, see if the bank will let you do any of the following:
  • Move your late payments to the end of your loan
  • Refinance the car for a lower payment and interest rate
  • Participate in a hardship program
When to file for bankruptcy option 3 - Home
Talk with your lender to see if they can help you in any way. You can also do the following:
  • Try to get your payments reduced and suspended
  • Contact your local housing authority for help
  • Try refinancing
  • Selling the home
When to file for bankruptcy option 4 - Student Loan
Since the student loan can't be discharged in bankruptcy, talk with a representative at the student loan center and try some of the following options:
  • Request a deferment
  • Apply for a forbearance
  • See if you qualify for the income sensitive program
When to file for bankruptcy option 5 - Credit Counseling
Schedule an appointment with credit consumer counselor. The CCC is a non-profit organization that assists consumers who are in financial trouble. Here is what they will do for you:
  • Help sort out your financial problems
  • Provide credit education
  • Help you with a budget
  • Provide you with a plan to get out of debt
  • Set up a payment plan for you
  • Negotiate with creditors on your behalf
  • Reduce interest rates and get late fees removed
Concluding, as you can see there are many options you can explore before making the decision to file BK. Just because you are over you head in debt does not mean you should think about BK. Bankruptcies stay with you forever so keep that in mind along with the information you learned in this article. Now that you are empowered with new information, please make the right choice.
Mark Clayborne is a Certified Credit Consultant with ten years of experience assisting consumers with credit issues. For more powerful secrets on credit repair, debt settlement, stopping collectors, rebuilding your credit, and raising your score, please read the first chapter of The Credit Repair Book and get a Free Restore your Credit E-class at

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